![]() 06/15/2020 at 16:17 • Filed to: damage, Rant | ![]() | ![]() |
**long photo rant**
I don’t ask much of other people, but one thing I will not let stand: people and cats treating my car like garbage. Seriously, since I bought this thing two years ago, I’ve been finding new scratches and dings constantly.
It always hurts, but sometimes you think you are safe only to be proved wrong, amplifying the pain . I sure thought I was safe a few days ago up until I noticed a fairly deep oblong scratch running the entire length of the car. What c ould h ave caused it, I do not know. All I know is that I am very peeved.
I did a full exterior wax and wash only a week ago, but the rain we’ve had meant I had to clean the surfaces before I could do anything. Here is the main area of damage before I washed some of the grit off. It is too low for a shopping cart, and besides, I only parked on the street and in restaurant parking lots that day for D oordash.
On the other end, there is a larger scuff mark area. Strangely, I only parked with the drivers side towards danger the entire day and I know it did not appear on the passenger side the previous day.
This mark on the rear passenger door handle is also fairly deep.
Strangely, this deep scrape on the fender appears to have been flush against the fender without denting the metal, suggesting the offending object had some give to it.
This was the only scrape that had any meaningful response to some heavy and repeated buffing. The rest don’t look any different.
The deeper scrape on this side of the wheel well, shown post buffing, did not respond well.
And of course it extends to the front as well.
Of course, this is not unprecedented. This nasty scrape happened at some point last year and I’m sure I would have known if I was driving. What could have caused this I have no idea. I suspect a family member scraped a curb while borrowing my car. Those tiny white dots are not road grime, they are rock chips from driving behind a careless dump truck driver.
And similar scratches do exist all over the roof and trunk from THOSE STUPID FERAL CATS I HATE THEM SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO MUCH SO SO SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m sorry but not sorry
It is hard to complain too much while this unsightly dent proclaims to everyone that I don’t care what happens to my car, which, though patently untrue, does affect how people respond to accidentally damaging my property.
These small bumper scrapes are, to the best of my knowledge, the only part of this car I have damaged myself over two years; it was only because I flustered after getting backed into, resulting in that nasty dent shown above, so I didn’t have my full wits about to know I was getting too close to a wall, twice. Other than these minor scuffs, I’ve never even curbed a wheel, which just makes others’ carelessness all the more infuriating.
What do you suppose made that scratch on the side? I’m mystified.
Sorry I made you listen to this but I’m quite peeved about this new and deep scratch. On the plus side, I ordered a cordless drill based headlight restoration kit to take the fog out of the headlights, which may help some.
![]() 06/15/2020 at 16:24 |
Next time you buy a new car, get it wrapped in mylar clear wrap or Xpel. All of it. I have a clear bra on my Vic, and my doors. Did its job.
Plus, using door impact protectors (door shox brand) is basically announcing "I care about this car. Touch it and I will fucking torch you."
![]() 06/15/2020 at 16:40 |
The fender-height scrapes are probably from a purse or a backpack. I’ve seen ladies drag their purse down the full length of a car when they are trying to squeeze between two cars and aren’t paying attention to the extra width the purse gives them. I’ve seen little kids d o something similar with a backpack.
![]() 06/15/2020 at 16:43 |
This was my first car, bought for just $4,900 including dealer fees from a family that doesn’t care too much about cars or even keeping them presentable. I didn’t know what I was doing and it may be a little late now. I wish I could go back and do some things differently. I was also was and still am somewhat broke.
So is this basically a clear entire car wrap you are suggesting? I've heard of the bits around the door handles and hood but never heard of a full car clear bra.
![]() 06/15/2020 at 16:44 |
do you mean the little scratch?... coz im thinking shopping cart for that one...
if you mean the bigly one with the white paint marks.....yeah... im thinking someone cant park and the flexyness of bumpers nowadays means there was no real damage other than the scratches
![]() 06/15/2020 at 16:45 |
Maybe. The in strument clearly had some give in it to conform to the fender crease so well. If it was a purse I will be even more peeved. Good suggestion though.
![]() 06/15/2020 at 16:45 |
I swapped paint with this idiot woman some months back while I was driving my 97 Safari. Actually, she got more paint out of the deal than I did. And her car was way newer than mine, a Lexus... Anyhow, no tears shed by me and I came home and cleaned the fender with Windex and I'm off to the races again. That's one of the advantages of driving a 23-year-old car.
![]() 06/15/2020 at 16:46 |
Never, never, never, never, never, park a car that you care about in a parking lot. Never.
![]() 06/15/2020 at 16:48 |
I’m feeling pretty confident in my answer. My poor truck had door dings an d scratches at various heights, all due to being parked next to my wife’s Explorer. The driver’s door handle on all of our cars are scratched up from pretty fingernails and a diamond ring. Some of those can be buffed out, some can’t.
![]() 06/15/2020 at 16:48 |
It is awfully uniform in height except that odd door handle marring.
Too low for a shopping cart and I haven’t been near a store that uses them in weeks.
Not white paint but scraped down to the primer.
![]() 06/15/2020 at 16:49 |
I have for the most part stopped buying new cars mainly because of
that particular reason (though also because new car prices are too damn high). Stress levels are so much lower with old cars.
I bought my wife’s Mazda3 new only because she wanted it new, but her next car will likely be CPO.
![]() 06/15/2020 at 16:49 |
An 8 year car is positively brand new when you consider I paid $4,900 including dealer fees with 102k on the clock. Now just 121k miles. I baby this thing but no one else does.
Too new to be a beater but too cheap to keep pristine. It's an odd in between.
![]() 06/15/2020 at 16:53 |
ah righto
tbh....the only other thing i can think of is a low wire fence or something like that....
i mean...the scratch would be easy enuff to put down to keying or some shit....but that big one is just wierd
![]() 06/15/2020 at 16:53 |
It’s not cheap to wrap the whole car, and usually this is done after a car has been painted.
For a used first car, I’d just either save my money for a car worth keeping pristine, or consider just getting a detailer to wrap your car as cheaply as possible.
![]() 06/15/2020 at 16:53 |
This car is too nice and too new to be a beater but too cheap to worry too much. A nice in between but I still care about it too much to laugh this off. Really this is just a way to be frustrated about something in my control while parts of my life out of my control have been hold ing me back.
![]() 06/15/2020 at 17:00 |
I hear you. I wash my vehicles at least annually, whether they need it or not.
![]() 06/15/2020 at 17:57 |
To me that sounds a lot like “never care about a car”
![]() 06/15/2020 at 18:04 |
At this point, I’m leaning towards saving for a car worth keeping. This car can do everything you can ever ask it to do and more, but just isn’t as fun as I’d like. I don't really need the practicality anymore. I also may never buy new so I've got to be satisfied with what I. An get sometimes.
![]() 06/15/2020 at 18:06 |
They are all on the same plane and caused at the same time. No wire fences around. weird .
![]() 06/15/2020 at 18:48 |
You need a garage for her.
![]() 06/15/2020 at 18:48 |
Or park taking up three spaces so someone goes out of their way to key your car.
I know this really gnatty guy who drives a Mercedes 500 roadster and he looks on Google Earth before he drives somewhere so he’ll know if there are any bumps in the road or whatever.
![]() 06/15/2020 at 18:51 |
I don't think a garage would have helped it in this case, but I certainly wouldn't turn one down. Actually, since the food wipe down table takes up a bunch of the car port. My dad's truck doesn't fit anymore so I've had it for the past few months. Gotta relish the small victories, but I think his paint needs it more.
![]() 06/15/2020 at 18:53 |
How does Google Earth help with that? Street view?
I recently saw someone take up four spots with their early 2000s Silverado that was so rusty and dented I could see through the door that there were holes in the floor. The doorhandle was duct taped on. WHY?
![]() 06/15/2020 at 19:17 |
I don’t see how it possibly can.
They didn’t notice the lines?
![]() 06/15/2020 at 19:41 |
Perhaps someone with clothes covered in those metal buttons or studs or whatever brushed up against Geoff in a parking lot? That sucks, man. My car’s paint is in even worse condition, but I still get peeved when I come outside and see someone sitting on my car like a bench (happens more than you would think). Like, do you mind!?
![]() 06/15/2020 at 19:57 |
Yup, bangs over time are a given. B ought my 2001 Subabru Legacy wagon with 115k on the clock and hail damage. Pocks all over the vertical surfaces but no cracked paint. 5-years and 40k more seaside miles and Sully’s still ticking and no rust . I’m not an aggressive driver, per se, but I’m not above saying “I’m paid for!” as I maintain course and spe ed.. .
![]() 06/15/2020 at 20:02 |
Clearly marked and parked close to the store
![]() 06/15/2020 at 20:08 |
I’ve had that happen before, but like total strangers? Like some teen girl in skinny jeans using Phoebe as a photo op?
Scratches are too straight and level to be clothing. I’m actually parked right now in the exact spot I think it happened at.
![]() 06/15/2020 at 21:07 |
Meanwhile, I found some scratches in the
ainted roof of the car. Going to visit the body shop to see if they’ll cover that under warranty and then mylar-wrap it so I don’t have to worry about crows and animals scratching it up.
Sigh. I need a fucking house.
![]() 06/15/2020 at 21:11 |
In auto tech class, mostly. I’ve had to tell several people not to mess with cars that aren’t theirs (like mine). I remember one time I went out into the parking lot where one of the students was hooning a Chevette, and some of the other students were sitting/leaning on my car to watch! Then they looked at me like I was the weird one for asking them not to... These same people also would frequently lean on my car with their oily, grimy hands to watch me work and tell me that whatever I’m doing, it’s probably wrong. Yeah, that class was way more annoying than I expected it to be...
![]() 06/15/2020 at 21:13 |
I’ve got some noticeable marks on Humdrum as well...many that I don’t know where they came from and a few t
hat were my fault :(
![]() 06/15/2020 at 21:53 |
Ive been so careful to not even curb the wheels (I always check and I’ve never found new damage) yet people are always smacking their doors into me.
Sorry. About the rant and Humdrum. People just see a cheap disposable car, not a dependable friend, and treat them thusly.
![]() 06/15/2020 at 21:55 |
Yikes. You were definitely in the right. Some people just don’t respect others property. I just can't imagine wiping my oily hands on someone's paint work.
I’ve had people sit on my trunk lid before.
![]() 06/15/2020 at 21:56 |
Sometimes, I just like to give a bad driver a good scare.
![]() 06/15/2020 at 21:58 |
Trade crows for feral cats that breed faster than the city can take them from the hoarder across the street and that's me. Except they lay around starving to death in the most annoying way possible.
![]() 06/15/2020 at 22:32 |
But I like kitties and our kitty was a feral cat that we tamed :( :P
Sucks that they are messing with your car though :/
My wheels are pretty rough....I had gotten them for cheap just to get some summer rims after I had bought the car so I would have a set of steelies for the winter and the alloys for the summer to facilitate easy swapping from summer to winter tires. Mine are 1998 Ford Escort rims, actually, but they look surprisingly good on the car for being mid-90s Ford rims, haha!
![]() 06/16/2020 at 00:07 |
No need for winter tires here but I've got the steelies and hubcaps. I might look into options when it comes time to replace the tires but they've still got some life in them and I'm not sure whether I really want to keep the car.
![]() 06/16/2020 at 06:45 |
What would you replace it with? :O
![]() 06/16/2020 at 09:55 |
Miata or Mini. I don't need the practicality right now and and I would like something more fun. Idle speculation and doing are two different things, however.
![]() 06/16/2020 at 16:51 |
If I had to pick between the two, I would go with the Miata...less practical, yes, but they are incredibly reliable, and we’ve all heard horror stories from some people who own Minis on Oppo in the last while...stil
not sure I trust their
reliability. W
ell, that’s a lie, I think they might be fairly reliable, but it’s when something goes wrong that they can be an e
pain in the butt to fix...
![]() 06/16/2020 at 17:11 |
The earlier Cooper S had a much more reliable engine than the later ones. Too bad most Clubman S have the bad engine. They just aren’t as easy to o wn as a Miata but they also are cheaper to buy . It’s a hard decision, especially when I can’t drive stick to do a test drive.
![]() 06/16/2020 at 20:30 |
Oh! I forget, do you not know how to drive stick yet? :)
I would recommend getting a beater to learn on before you get something decent! My first car was a stick and my friends gave me a few lessons before I bought it / picked it up, but I still picked it up and drove it home in rush hour traffic when I was university across the whole city with very little manual-driving experience....that was a time :P
![]() 06/16/2020 at 21:35 |
I know it’s not exactly some black magic but I need a little time and practice so I don’t burn the clutch in front of the seller. Sure makes the process a whole lot harder.
The transmissions used in the Cruze were apparently made of glass, so if it goes while I still have the car, I’ve thought about just swapping the transmission to a manual , since that is literally the only thing I dislike about the car and the only reason I would ever sell it.
I'm at a crossroads with this car and I'm not sure which way I'll go. I've got some money saved up and I reckon if I am patient I can get around what I paid for it. It sure has a lot more documentation now than when I bought it (zero).
![]() 06/17/2020 at 04:38 |
Hard choices! The most I can say is to do what makes YOU happy! :)
I’d still recommend getting a functional but rusty beater with a few months left on its current safety inspection or registration of however things work in your state to practice on before you swapped your Cruze or got a nice new-to-you replacement:)
When you say ‘transmissions made of glass'
, do you mean the autos?
![]() 06/17/2020 at 09:50 |
Yes. Apparently mine is the only one in the world that hasn’t broken. I think the US got a slightly more durable variant but they just aren’t very good and are infuriatingly bad at using 1st gear properly.
F ortunately rust isn’t inseparably connected to “ beater” where I live.
![]() 06/17/2020 at 10:02 |
Consider yourself lucky, haha!